Nurturing Female Employees:
Reflections by Kathy Matsui
The HBS Club of Japan and the Harvard Club of Japan are very excited to welcome Kathy Matsui, Vice Chair and Chief Japan equity strategist of Goldman Sachs, as our featured guest speaker for an on-line webinar on September 8th. Kathy will lead a discussion drawing on her new book entitled ‘10 Tips on Managing Female Employees (女性社員の育て方、教えます) addressing the issue of ‘How can we effectively raise, nurture and manage our female talent?’ based on her experiences mentoring women in Japan.
Kathy graduated from Harvard University with a BA Magna Cum Laude and has a Masters degree from the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins University. She is credited by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe with coining the well-known term “Womenomics”. In addition to many business roles, Kathy is also a Board Member of the Asian University for Women Support Foundation, and Chair, Board of Councilors Japan for the U.S.-Japan Council.
Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Time: 18:00 - 19:00
(includes time for Q&A)
Webinar platform: Zoom
Language: English
Price: Free
To join this webinar, please register at the link below:
For questions / enquiries, please contact HCJ Events Co-Director Jonathan Harlow: