Please join the Harvard Club of Japan as we welcome one of our most prominent members Sakie Fukushima, President of G&S Global Advisors and board member at several of Japan's top companies, to hear her views on “Can Diversity Save Japan? Challenges Facing Japanese Companies.”
Thursday March 7, 2013 at Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan, Yurakucho from 18:30-20:30. The event will include a stand-up buffet dinner and cash bar. Admission fee 7,000 yen payable at door. We hope to see you there!
Please register by March 4 by e-mail to
No-shows and cancellations after March 4 will be invoiced. Your understanding is appreciated.
Speaker's biography :
Ms. Fukushima is President & Representative Director of G&S Global Advisors Inc., a consulting firm that advises clients on issues related to the globalization of human capital.
Before establishing G&S Global Advisors Inc. in 2010, Ms. Fukushima was Chairman & Representative Director-Japan and a Senior Client Partner based in Tokyo at Korn/Ferry International – Japan, providing human capital consulting services to multinational corporations operating in Japan. She served as a member of Korn/Ferry’s global Board of Directors from 1995 to 2007.
Prior to joining Korn/Ferry in 1991,
Ms. Fukushima was a Consultant at Bain & Company, a major strategic management consulting firm, first in Boston and later in the Tokyo office. Her clients included American, European, and Japanese multinational corporations spanning a range of industries. Prior to that, she worked as a summer associate at the World Bank in Washington, D.C. She also served as a consultant in the Boston headquarters of Braxton International, a strategic management consulting firm, and as a Japanese instructor in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University.
Ms. Fukushima is a vice chairman of the Japan Association of Corporate Executives (Keizai Doyukai), a director of the Japan Corporate Governance Network, an executive director of the Japan Association of Corporate Directors, and a member of the advisory board of the Development Bank of Japan. She is also the first woman to serve on the Board of Directors of such leading Japanese corporations as Kao, Sony, Benesse, Bridgestone, Ajinomoto, and J. Front Retailing.
She is the author of several books, including Marketable Global Executives. She is co-translator (into Japanese) of Japan as Number One: Lessons for America by Ezra F. Vogel and On Higher Education: The Academic Enterprise in an Era of Rising Student Consumerism by David Riesman.
She received wide media attention as one of only two women who serve on the Board of Directors of the 27 Japanese companies on Fortune’s list of the top 200 global companies in 2004. In 2008 Business Week selected her to be on the list of "The World's 100 Most Influential Headhunters" (one of nine women and the only Japanese).
Ms. Fukushima received a B.A. from Seisen University in Tokyo and a
Japanese Teaching Certificate from the International Christian University. She also received an Ed.M. from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and an M.B.A. from the Stanford Graduate School of Business
清泉女子大学卒。ハーバード大学にて教育学修士。同大学で日本語講師。経営コンサルティング会社を経て、スタンフォード大学(MBA)取得。その後、ベイン・アンド・カンパニーに入社。1991年に世界最大手人財コンサルティング会社、コーン・フェリー・インターナショナルに入社。日本支社社長、会長を務め、2010年アジア・パシフィック地域最高顧問に就任と同時にG&S Global Advisors Inc.を設立し、代表取締役社長に就任。コーン・フェリー米国本社の取締役を12年間務め、花王、ソニー、ベネッセ等日本企業の初の女性独立取締役を歴任。
現在はブリヂストン、味の素、J. フロントリテイリングの独立取締役。2011年4月より経済同友会副代表幹事。キャリア開発に関する著書多数。その他、コーポレート・ガバナンスも含めて 広く執筆・講演活動も行っている。 |
Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan, Yurakucho [MAP] |
7,000 |
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