Memorial Events for Professor Emeritus Ezra F. Vogel


Harvard University Professor Emeritus Ezra F. Vogel, who contributed greatly to building relations among Japan, the United States and China, passed away on December 20, 2020 at the age of 90.
Professor Vogel received his Ph.D. in sociology from Harvard University in 1958. Until his retirement in 2000, he served in various positions at Harvard, including Director of the East Asian Research Center, Director of the Fairbank Center, first Director of the Asia Center, and Director of the Program on U.S.-Japan Relations. He was active for over 60 years as a leading researcher in East Asian studies. He also played a major role in US policy toward Asia, serving as National Intelligence Officer for East Asia at the National Intelligence Council. He resided in Japan from 1958 to 1960 and published what is perhaps his best-known book, “Japan as Number One” in 1979, which became a best-seller in Japan.

Professor Vogel valued relationships with people. Students and researchers who received his direct guidance at Harvard, visiting scholars who pursued research at Harvard while staying at his home, Japanese students inspired by him at his informal Vogel Juku (“school” organized mainly by Japanese students at the Kennedy School), joint authors and translators of books, organizers of lectures and seminars, recipients of letters of recommendation and employment introductions … the outpouring of messages expressed through SNS and the media when he passed away made us realize anew the breadth and depth of his relationships with so many people in Japan’s political, business, and academic communities.

Members of the Harvard Kennedy School Club of Japan (HKSJ) decided to arrange this memorial event as an expression of our gratitude, to celebrate Professor Vogel’s achievements in U.S.-Japan relations and his unparalleled connections with people. At the event, which will connect people online as well as in person, we will hold a symposium on the future of Japan-U.S.-China relations (Professor Vogel’s lifetime research subject), in addition to a memorial ceremony and reception in which we plan to show video messages for and photos/videos of Professor Vogel as well as distribute a memorial book.

This memorial event is open not only to members of the Harvard community or those with personal relationships with Professor Vogel, but also to leaders of Japan’s political, business, and academic communities. In memory of Professor Vogel and his achievements, this event will seek to provide an opportunity for all to discuss and contemplate again how we should manage the expected turbulent relations among Japan, the United States and China. By doing so, we hope Professor Vogel’s will can be inherited among the present generation..

Thank you for your support and cooperation.

Organizing Committee of the Memorial Event for the late Harvard University Professor Emeritus Ezra F. Vogel




Main Event


Memorial Event for the late Harvard University Professor Emeritus Ezra F. Vogel


Date: Tuesday, February 8, 2022 15:00-20:00
Location: Imperial Hotel, Tokyo (Peacock Room)
Format: Hybrid including online participation
Fee: 2,000 for symposium in-person participation /
  1,500 for symposium on-line participation /
  9,800 for reception attendance
  *This is an early-bird fee for those who register by end of December.

15:00-18:00 PART 1: Symposium “The Future of Japan-U.S.-China Relations”

15:00-15:50 Session 1 “Professor Vogel and Japan-U.S.-China Academic Exchanges”
Moderator: Makoto Iokibe (Chancellor, University of Hyogo)
Panelists: Steven K. Vogel (Professor, University of California, Berkeley)
     Ikuo Kabashima (Governor of Kumamoto Prefecture; Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo)
     Wu Huaizhong (Deputy Director, Institute of Japanese Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
     Yoichi Funabashi (Chairman, Asia Pacific Initiative)

16:00-16:50 Session 2 “Future of Japan-U.S.-China Relations: Politics, Diplomacy and Security Perspectives
Moderator: Akio Takahara (Professor, University of Tokyo)
Panelists: Masahiro Akiyama (Former Administrative Vice Minister, Japan Defense Agency; President, Society of Security and Diplomatic Policy Studies)
     Wu Junhua (Research Director, Japan Research Institute)

     Kazuko Kojima (Professor of Law, Keio University)
     Kenji Minemura (Journalist, Asahi Shimbun)


17:00-17:50 Session 3 “Future of Japan-U.S.-China Relations: Economic and Business Perspectives”
Moderator: Glen S. Fukushima (Former President, American Chamber of Commerce in Japan)
Panelists: Kiyoyuki Seguchi (Research Director, Canon Institute for Global Studies)
     Heizo Takenaka (former Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications; Professor Emeritus, Keio University; HKSJ Special Advisor)
     Yoshimasa Hayashi (Member of the House of Representatives; HKSJ President)
     Shinji Fukukawa (Former Administrative Vice Minister, Ministry of International Trade and Industry; Chancellor, Toyo University)


18:00-20:00 PART 2: Memorial Ceremony and Reception

Depending on the COVID situation, Part 2 may be postponed - we will make an announcement when confirmed.

(Please note that the reception is called off due to the current COVID epidemic.)

Guest Comments
Showing of video messages and photos/videos


Side Event


Ezra Vogel and U.S.-Japan Security Relations


Date: Monday, January 17, 2022 09:30-12:00
Location: International House of Japan
Format: Hybrid including online participation
*Due to in-person seating limitations, we will be accepting registrations for online participation only.
Fee: 500 for on-line participation

Moderator: Masahiro Akiyama (Former Administrative Vice Minister, Japan Defense Agency; President, Society of Security and Diplomatic Policy Studies)
Panelists: Yutaka Kawashima (Former Administrative Vice Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; former Grand Chamberlain)
     Hitoshi Tanaka (Former Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs; Chairman, Institute for International Strategy, Japan Research Institute)
     Ryosei Kokubun (Former President, National Defense Academy; Professor Emeritus, Keio University)
     Sadamasa Oue (JASDF Lieutenant General (ret.); Former Senior Fellow, Asia Center, Harvard University)
Organizers: Society of Security and Diplomatic Policy Studies; Organizing Committee of the Memorial Event for the late Harvard University Professor Emeritus Ezra F. Vogel
Sponsors: Kajima Institute of International Peace; International House of Japan






Organizing Committee of the Memorial Event for the late Harvard University







Organizing Committee of the Memorial Event for the late Harvard University Professor Emeritus Ezra F. Vogel
Japan Foundation

■In cooperation with
Program on U.S.-Japan Relations at Harvard University
Vogel Juku (*informal “school” for Japanese students organized by Professor Vogel)
Harvard Club of Japan (HCJ)
The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation
Kasumigaseki Foreign Service Association
International House of Japan
The America-Japan Society
Kikkoman Corporation
Akiyama Associates
Kansai Association of Corporate Executives
Aso Group
Advantage Partners


Organizing Committee


Yoshimasa Hayashi (Member of the House of Representatives; Harvard Kennedy School of Japan (HKSJ) President)
■Secretary General
Yoshinori Narasawa (HKSJ director; CEO, Mirai Co-Creation Financial Inc.)
■Deputy Secretary General
Akiteru Maruta (HKSJ director)
■Executive Committee (Main)
Akiko Imai (Professor, Showa Women’s University)
Glen S. Fukushima (Former President, American Chamber of Commerce in Japan)
Noriyuki Shikata (Cabinet Public Relations Secretary)
Sayuri Daimon (HKSJ advisor; former Managing Editor, The Japan Times)
Akira Tsuchiya (former Japan representative at the World Economic Forum)
Yoko Miyazaki (HKSJ member in charge of accounting)

■Executive Committee (Secondary)
Shuko Ogawa (Vogel Juku)
Tomoki Sano (Vogel Juku)
Jun Mukoyama (HKSJ member in charge of planning and coordination)
■Event Advisor
Yumiko Izawa (formerly of NHK Promotions)
■Special Thanks
Hiroaki Fujii (Former Japanese Ambassador to the U.K.; former President, Japan Foundation)
Yoshiyasu Sato (Former Japanese Ambassador to China)
Kakutaro Kitashiro (Honorary Executive Advisor, IBM Japan)
Heizo Takenaka (Former Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications; Professor Emeritus, Keio University)  












会場:帝国ホテル 東京 孔雀の間

時間:15 : 00 - 18 : 00









Professor Emeritus Ezra F. Vogel(1930-2020)


主催 : エズラ・F・ヴォーゲル・ハーバード大名誉教授 追悼イベント実行委員会

共催 : 独立行政法人国際交流基金

協力 : ハーバード・ケネディスクール・クラブ・オブ・ジャパン(HKSJ)、ハーバード大学US-Japan Program、ヴォーゲル塾、ハーバード・


後援 : 国際文化会館、日米協会

協賛 : 三菱商事(株)、キッコーマン(株)、鹿島平和研究所、関西経済同友会、麻生グループ、(株)アドバンテッジパートナーズ

助成 : 一般社団法人東京倶楽部









エズラ・F・ヴォーゲル・ハーバード大名誉教授 追悼イベント実行委員会




場所:帝国ホテル 東京『孔雀の間』



15:00~18:00 第一部 シンポジウム『日米中関係の今後を考える』



 モデレータ:五百旗頭 真(兵庫県立大学理事長)


                      蒲島 郁夫(熊本県知事、東京大学名誉教授)

                      呉 懐中(社会科学院日本研究所副所長)

                      船橋 洋一(一般財団法人アジア・パシフィック・イニシアティブ理事長)



モデレータ:高原 明生(東京大学教授)

パネリスト:秋山 昌廣(元防衛事務次官、安全保障外交政策研究会代表)

                      呉 軍華(日本総研上席理事)

                     小嶋 華津子(慶應義塾大学法学部教授)

                     峯村 健司(朝日新聞編集委員)




パネリスト:瀬口 清之(キャノングローバル戦略研究所研究主幹)

                     竹中 平蔵(元総務大臣、慶應義塾大学名誉教授、HKSJ特別顧問)

                      林 芳正(衆議院議員、HKSJ会長)

                     福川 伸次(元通産省事務次官・東洋大学総長)













モデレータ:秋山 昌廣(元防衛事務次官、安全保障外交政策研究会代表)

パネリスト:川島 裕(元外務事務次官、元侍従長)

      田中 均(元外務審議官、日本総合研究所国際戦略研究所理事長)

      国分 良成(前防衛大学校長、慶應義塾大学名誉教授)

      尾上 定正(元空将、 前ハーバード大学アジアセンター・シニアフェロー)

主催:安全保障外交政策研究会、エズラ・F・ヴォーゲル・ハーバード大名誉教授 追悼イベント実行委員会







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